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Nominating Committee



The nominating committee is tasked with choosing the best candidates to serve as officers to run your Laguna Hills High School PTSA  for the upcoming year.  The committee is made of  4 PTSA Members and 2 alternates.   For the election process, Parliamentarian acts as a facilitator for elections and as a mentor to the nominating committee. 


Nominating Committee Basics:

           The nominating committee is the only PTA committee that is not appointed by the president. This committee is elected by the membership at least two months prior to the election of officers. 


The committee needs a balance of newer and more experienced PTSA members, all of whom should be knowledgeable about PTSA and who are aware of qualified candidates, familiar with the qualifications necessary for positions, and are willing to spend the necessary time and maintain confidentiality.

The election of the nominating committee should not be a popularity contest based on willingness to serve nor should it consist of all of the PTA executive board. The PTA president never serves on the committee, and the parliamentarian serves only when elected to serve. The principal may be elected, but should at least be an advisor to the group. No person may serve on the committee for two consecutive year


The Do's and the Don'ts


DO: Study carefully the qualifications of members before presenting the name as a nominee.

DON’T: Submit a member’s name as a nominee because she/he is a friend of yours.

DO: Check the membership list to be sure the nominee is a member of the organization.

DON’T: Nominate a person with the thought that it is a good way to get him to join the PTA.

DO: Remember that committee DISCUSSION is left in the meeting room.

DON’T: Repeat what was said in the committee meeting to anyone.

DO: See that the report of the nominating committee is publicized through the proper channels.

DON’T: Report the results of the nominating committee until it has been publicized through the proper channels.

DO: Accept an office yourself if you are sincerely interested in the purpose of the organization.



If you are interested in serving on the Executive Board or to learn more about other open Chair positions please email


Training is provided as there is excellent support for PTSA by our council housed at the district. Continued dedication to volunteer service is a gift that we treasure and we encourage future parent and student leaders to volunteer to hold office of chair position. Please email to let us know you would like to be considered for a listed position. We look forward to building our 2024-2025 LHHS PTSA!


Executive Board Positions

  • President

  • Vice President

  • 1st Executive Vice President - Ways and Means

  • 2nd Executive Vice President - Membership

  • Recording Secretary 

  • Treasurer

  • Financial Secretary

  • Auditor

  • Parliamentarian (Appointed by President)

  • Historian


  • Awards and Scholarships Standing Chair

  • Grad Night Standing Chair

  • Hospitality





Click the link above to learn more about the positions.


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